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Spring Cleaning in Our Lives

SPRING IS IN THE AIR. THE FLOWERS are beginning to bloom. What a wonderful time of year, isn't it, after the darker days of winter? Spring is a time of renewal, and as Christians we constantly need to reflect upon our lives and ask God to rid us of the cobwebs of routine and renew the joy of serving our creator.

Below are some ideas that have helped me in the past and continue to do so. Here's hoping they will also be a blessing to you.

1. Dwell upon the goodness of God.
Upon rising each morning, take a moment to look outside, wherever you may live. It will refresh your spirit for the day ahead.

2. Realize that we are creatures of routine. This may be a time to make some changes in your life.
Create a written list of things you would like to accomplish within the next three months and ask God to help you accomplish them. For example, maybe you long to take that day off and just go to the beach with your spouse, or you may want to spend more quality time with your children. Whatever it may be, write it down in a journal and decide to make every day count. Many times we just let life happen and don't slow down enough to think, reflect, and allow God to speak to us.

3. Make your worships more meaningful.
Do something different. Start a different Friday night worship time in your home. Invite someone to your home on Friday night instead of for Sabbath lunch. Prepare a simple supper. Make Friday night special, especially if you have children. One tradition we had in our family for years was to have a big fruit salad and homemade cinnamon rolls. Even now our grown daughter and son talk about how special Friday nights were in our home. After eating together, we would sing and share God's blessings in our lives, read together, and pray together.

Learn new songs or hymns and sing them throughout the day and at worship time with your family. Memorize new Bible texts and practice them often. Carry them on cards in your purse or wallet to read while waiting for a doctor's appointment or while stopped along the road somewhere.

4. Reestablish contact with someone you haven't been in touch with for a long time.
Maybe that person is a relative, friend, church member, or someone who just happens to come to your mind. Sending little cards of appreciation and letting them know that someone is thinking about them brings smiles to those who may need to have a smile. Make a decided effort to think more of others and then do something about it.

5. Set short-term and long-term goals for your life-and write them down.
Ask God to give you wisdom to make the right choices, and pray earnestly over these goals. If you are married, take the time as husband and wife not only to list your personal goals but also to come up with goals as a couple, goals shared between parties that are in tune with each other. One goal may be to get out of debt this year. Another may be to spend more time with the grandchildren. Another goal may be to become more involved in soulwinning. Assess your lives, pray about them, and figure out what is really important to you-as individuals and as a couple or family. If you have children, get together and talk about goals for which your children want to strive. Talk about what makes each family member really happy or sad. Get to know each other and try to understand the different personalities that God has made. Try to help each other in accomplishing your goals.

6. Keep a personal prayer journal.
Ask God to intervene in the lives of loved ones, friends, and others. Write down all the prayers that have been answered. Take more time to pray each day and sense God's presence as the day passes. Meditate each day on what is good. Determine to put Him first in your life in all things, not allowing television, music, or anything else to separate you from God.

7. Learn to listen to others and think of their needs before those of yourself.
It's so difficult to do, yet putting others first is what Jesus did. As we serve others, our own problems will not seem so large, and our joy will be full. Look for ways in which you can use the talents God has given you to be a blessing to others.

Ask God to show you what He would have you do as your mission project. Participate in a mission project, and be excited about it. Many needs exist. Determine to put God first financially, not only in paying your tithe, but also in your offerings and in your service. Learn to live within your means, and develop the habit of giving to others.

8. Plan special outings and fun times that the family can enjoy together. Even if it is just a picnic, mark it down on your calendar. Children will love keeping an eye on that special calender. Take time to enjoy the things in life that are free. Take more walks, sit in the midmorning sunshine, enjoy a glass of cold, pure water, go to the beach or a scenic spot for a picnic, sit by a rippling brook, etc. The ideas are endless. Create a list and enjoy!

9. Determine to live simply. Reevaluate your lifestyle and find ways in which you can simplify your life. By living a less hectic lifestyle, you will be healthier and happier.

10. Choose not to criticize or to listen to much criticism. Focus on the positive in others instead of the negative. A critical spirit drives people away. God wants us to love others for who they are. We can help them in so many ways when we choose to really love and accept them. Smile a lot, be kind, laugh a lot, learn to be sympathetic, appreciate life, and know how to give hugs. Everyone needs a genuine friend and to be loved.

You may want to add to this list. As the Holy Spirit impresses you, take the time to jot those ideas down and then, every so often, take the list out and read it again. What may impress you a month from now may be totally different than today.

God yearns for us to be close to Him. Every day He is reaching out to us. Today we can praise Him for His loving-kindness and great mercy toward us, draw closer to Him, and reap the joy of knowing Him.

Remember too that God loves you and is always willing to forgive. He has a plan for your life and desires to be your best friend. Many people in this world need Jesus in their lives. Ask Jesus to open the doors so that you might truly be able to show others His great love.

Charleen Williams is a homemaker living in Orleans, California.

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