November 12, 2013

GLOW Stories

Giving light to our world— GLOW—is an outreach initiative in multiple North American Division conferences based on the concept of church members carrying Adventist literature with them wherever they go and handing it out—free of charge—at every opportunity. Here are two short stories of lives touched by GLOW:

Story 1 

 Beth routinely visits a small restaurant in her town where she leaves a GLOW tract along with her tip. One day a new server named Jasmine waited on Beth’s table, and Beth hesitated to leave a tract because she didn’t know how Jasmine might react. Beth decided, though, to step out in faith and do it. A week later Beth again visited the restaurant. As soon as Jasmine saw Beth, she rushed over and profusely thanked her for the GLOW tract. She said that it was just what she had needed that day and had made her feel that someone cared for her. Beth and Jasmine have now become good friends and regularly discuss spiritual issues.å

Story 2 

Seven-year-old Kimberly attended a day-care program owned by Elena, the GLOW leader of the local Adventist church. One day Kimberly noticed Elena sorting GLOW tracts and asked her questions about them. She then requested some tracts for herself and her friends, and Elena gave her 10 of them. Kimberly then asked for more tracts to give to her teachers, so Elena gave her 10 more. Kimberly also wanted a few in Spanish for her Spanish-speaking relatives, so she received those as well. When her mother came to pick her up from day-care, she asked Elena about the GLOW tracts her daughter had. She and Elena discussed Bible prophecy for a few minutes, and then Kimberly’s mom accepted Elena’s invitation to attend church that weekend.  

Stories compiled by Central California Conference GLOW director Nelson Ernst. To find out more about GLOW, go to
