June 1, 2018

Facing the Future Unafraid

Readers respond to how they feel around questions about prophecy and end time events.


We recently asked our readers to respond to the following questions: Thinking about our traditional Adventist interpretation of prophecy and end-time events, what are you most looking forward to? What causes you the greatest anxiety? In what kind of preparation are you involved? Here are a few of the responses we received.—Editors.

When I was growing up the idea of the time of trouble crowded out the joy of seeing Jesus return. I looked with suspicion at other Christians because they didn’t go to church on Sabbath. Now I look for good in everyone. I just want to be like Jesus when He returns.

Abbie, Florida.

It’s been 50 years since I was converted. I’ve pretty much shed my expectations, good or bad. It’s about living the Christian life. If God thinks this worthless slave/unprofitable servant belongs in heaven, I’ll be there; if not, I won’t. It’s His call.

Daniel, Michigan.

I’m looking forward to Jesus’ coming, but I wonder if I have confessed everything, and if my character is what it should be.

Debbie, Maryland.

I’ve pretty much given up trying to interpret the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. But I’m still committed to being the best husband, father, neighbor, and employee I can be. God is in charge of the rest.

Franklin, Pennsylvania.

I’m looking forward to sitting at the welcome table, so I can eat with Jesus, family, and biblical characters. I love to eat and chat, so that will be exciting. The only anxiety I feel is that I haven’t done enough to share the good news. I’m involved in helping kids to know Jesus, and planting the seed of His love in their hearts.

Gerry, Maryland.

My family and I lead a small group studying different Bible topics, mostly those related to the Second Coming and what the New Jerusalem will look like. I would like to see Eve’s innocent, beautiful face, and to see how she is the image of Jesus, her descendant. My anxiety is “Father, please be patient while my relatives make up their mind in favor of the eternal gospel.”

Israel, Sonora, Mexico.

Sitting and listening to Jesus tell stories.

Jana, Nevada.

I am most looking forward to Jesus coming again! Soon!

Kermit, Maryland.

No more pain. No more death, cancer, disease, and sorrow.

Melody, California.

Jesus said false christs and false prophets would deceive, if possible, “even the elect” (Matt. 24:24). But He also said, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). I have no time for those who emphasize fear over hope. I choose to live in hope and joy.

Marvin, Illinois.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit as it was on the day of Pentecost. (2) Not knowing when to leave the cities, and where to go. (3) No preparation.

Neelam, California.

I am looking forward to seeing my grandmother in heaven. She lived the biblical example of Lois. Her faith was passed on to generations that followed her as a lasting legacy. My husband and I are writing a book about the biblical role of grandparenting to help others catch a glimpse of how all who follow in the family tree can be impacted by the life they lived.

Pamela, Maryland.

I’m not anxious about anything. I’m just happy in the promise, looking forward to time with my Saviour, and no more pain and suffering.

Rachel, Tennessee.
