July 7, 2014

Outreach Health

Have you ever considered the power of an invitation to capture the attention of a stranger? What about the warm welcome of a smile coupled with engaging health literature? All these elements were key players in making a remarkable difference in the life of Marilyn Sadler.

Standing at the bus stop in Stanborough Park, England, a friendly Seventh-day Adventist approached Marilyn carrying a brightly colored leaflet advertising a health initiative known as CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program). Marilyn was drawn to the warm smile and vibrant disposition of the young woman, who explained the wholistic benefits of CHIP’s healthful lifestyle principles. Accepting the invitation to attend, Marilyn was among the participants of the first CHIP program held in the British Isles.

As director of the British Union Conference (BUC) Health Ministries Department, I facilitated the CHIP training (MicroCHIP) program. I remember Marilyn’s searching questions and her eagerness to embrace health principles. Marilyn also showed great interest in the Bible and other faith-based literature.

Seeing Improvements

After implementing the CHIP lifestyle changes, Marilyn began seeing significant positive changes in both her physical and mental health. As she continued to follow the weekly program consistently, the improvements became so significant that—in time—her doctor weaned her off several medications.

“This is the best thing that has happened in my life so far,” Marilyn says. “I have gained so much confidence and feel better than I have for years.”16 1 2 8A NEW LIFE: Marilyn Sadler is not only healthier as a result of being handed a CHIP tract, but also happier in her newfound relationship with Jesus. " class="img-right" style="float: right;">

Marilyn has kept up the lifestyle changes, resulting in ongoing dramatic health improvements.

Marilyn also started attending church regularly each Sabbath. At her graduation from the MicroCHIP program held at the Stanborough Park Seventh-day Adventist Church, Marilyn referred to herself as an Adventist and added that it was her intention to continue taking Bible studies. Six months later Marilyn was baptized into the Adventist Church.

“For the past 20 years I have been searching for truth,” Marilyn said. “It’s largely because of what I found in the health message and experienced with the CHIP program that I made the decision [for baptism].”

Marilyn added that she found the writings of Ellen White, such as The Ministry of Healing and Counsels on Diet and Foods, to be “very informative and relevant.” They opened her eyes to a new way of living healthfully, she said.

“I realized that the power of the health message given to the Adventist Church so long ago is still relevant today, especially in light of current scientific research, which confirms the wisdom of Mrs. White’s writings,” she added.

Marilyn now serves in health ministries and outreach initiatives and shares her story of healing with others.

So the next time you’re standing in line at a bus stop, a checkout line in a department store, or engaged in other daily activities, be sure to take along some health literature, wear a welcoming smile, and extend an invitation to better health. You never know what positive outcomes might ensue!

To find out more about BUC health ministries and the CHIP program in that region, visit adventist.org.uk/who-we-are/departments/health.
