June 10, 2014

GLOW Stories

Giving light to our world—GLOW—is an outreach initiative in multiple North American Division conferences based on the concept of church members carrying Adventist literature with them wherever they go and handing it out—free of charge—at every opportunity. Here is a short story of lives touched by GLOW:

When Janette arrived for work one day at her shop in Madera, California, she found that a magazine titled Law of Liberty had been pushed through the mail slot. She noticed that it was about the Ten Commandments, so she read it and became interested in the seventh-day Sabbath. She then ordered another magazine she saw advertised titled A Day to Remember. After reading it, she ordered 10 more copies and sent them to family members. Janette prayed that if she were to keep Saturday as the Sabbath, God would give her confirmation.

Soon after at a shopping mall, a young man handed her a GLOW tract also titled A Day to Remember! Janette was so excited that she asked the man for more tracts, which she handed out at work. She was still unsure about Sabbath, however, and asked God for an additional sign. The next day, as Janette was entering a department store, the answer to her prayer was lying on top of a trash can—another GLOW tract titled A Day to Remember! She called the number on the back of the tract and signed up for Amazing Facts Bible studies. She completed all the studies in less than a week. She then took advanced Bible studies. One lesson mentioned two books that sounded familiar to her: Steps to Christ and The Desire of Ages. To her surprise, she found both books on her home bookshelf. She then remembered that her older brother had given them to her when she was only 18. Some 28 years later Janette finally read those books.

On Christmas Eve 2011 Janette became a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.—Written by Lisa Manzanares, Central California Conference.

Stories compiled by Pacific Union Conference GLOW director Nelson Ernst. To learn more about GLOW, go to sdaglow.org. To watch video GLOW testimonies, go to vimeo.com/user13970741.
