April 7, 2014

GLOW Stories

Giving light to our world—GLOW—is an outreach initiative in multiple North American Division conferences based on the concept of church members carrying Adventist literature with them wherever they go and handing it out—free of charge—at every opportunity. Here is a short story of lives touched by GLOW:

A young woman named Heather was attending the Generation of Youth for Christ (GYC) conference held in Orlando last January. While washing her hands in the restroom there on Sabbath morning, she said “Hello,” to the person who was cleaning the facility. The woman replied, “Hello,” then added, “I learned something today. I am 49 years old.”

Heather was puzzled until the woman added, “I learned today that Saturday, not Sunday, is the Lord’s day! I am 49 years old, and I never knew Saturday was the Lord’s day.” She then pulled out of her pocket a GLOW tract titled, “Why I Go to Church on Saturday.” Heather exclaimed, “Praise God!” and went over and hugged her.

“She was so happy to have learned about the Sabbath,” Heather says. “I have distributed GLOW literature before, but have never personally seen a response like this. I was so happy for her, and so thankful the Lord put her in my path!”

Heather doesn’t know how the woman came upon the GLOW tract, but she learned about the Sabbath because someone either gave her the tract or left it in a place where a person could find it. If we make the effort to distribute GLOW tracts, the Lord will lead souls searching for truth to find them and learn about His love and grace.

Stories compiled by Pacific Union Conference GLOW director Nelson Ernst. To learn more about GLOW, go to sdaglow.org. To watch video GLOW testimonies, go to vimeo.com/user13970741.
